Austin, TX - October 25th 2012 - Local Real Estate Investing expert, 2012 Best Selling Author, and one of the most sought-after real estate investing educators in the country, Chris Goff, has broken the mold with his brainchild, AREI&ME CLUB.
Upon returning to Texas from his travels as a Real Estate Educator with Trump EI, he decided to start a REI Club where fellow seasoned investors and budding entrepreneurs could meet to network, discuss a constantly changing Austin REI world, share stories, make valuable contacts, and learn from each other about wise Real Estate Investing and effective Marketing. Hence, the birth of AREI&ME Club... with new, relevant topics discussed in every meeting, this is a group where everyone- from seasoned investor to Realtor to budding entrepreneur- can learn something new.
Chris knows the importance of putting the RIGHT people in place to make a Club fully benefit its members, and refused to settle for anything less than the best. He brought together a dynamic team of Austin’s best and brightest Realtor’s®, Educators, and Marketing experts to create AREI&ME CLUB. Together, they're turning the REI Club world upside down, and shaking out all of the old, moth-eaten practices of the past. NO more boring, lecture hall speakers and program peddlers. Get ready for REAL education, REAL networking, REAL excitement and REAL success!
From the moment you walk in the door of one of our AREI&ME Club meetings, you’ll see what sets us apart from all of the other REI clubs out there today. Don’t expect to come in and sit to listen to a boring lecture or high-pressure sales pitch! We'll have up to the minute knowledge of the world of REI, hands-on activities like LIVE phone calls to leads, member participating problem solving activities, LOCAL business professionals talking about the area that matters to you as an investor- your own, and fact-filled Q&A sessions to help you grow as a Real Estate Investor the RIGHT way. We have some exciting social events planned to promote one of the most important aspects of an REI club- networking, as well as intense, full day Strategy Specific Sessions and in-field bus trips geared to saturate you with knowledge about individual investment strategies. We've designed AREI&ME Club to be the one-of-a-kind experience that keeps you motivated and excited about investing in Real Estate. As seasoned investors know, it takes a balance of knowledge and motivation to be successful, just like in any field, and we're bringing you the best of both!
This group focuses on what’s important to people struggling with the insecurities of a faltering economy- learning how to make money through intelligent investing, and providing themselves and their family with financial independence, and we do it with FLAIR!
Slated to hold its first monthly meeting in a two-day Grand Opening Celebration, AREI&ME CLUB has very high expectations. Join us on Wednesday, November 7th or Thursday, November 8th from 6:30PM - 9:00PM at the Crowne Plaza hotel, conveniently located just off I-35 in Central Austin and get plugged into a fantastic group of like-minded people that will motivate you, help answer questions, and hold you accountable to succeed.
To Learn More about AREI&ME Club and to Grab 2 FREE Tickets to Attend, go to: or call us at (512) 582-7340.
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