Thursday, March 10, 2011

Life As A Real Estate Investor

Becoming a real estate investor has been the best decision I’ve made in my entire life. It just didn’t teach me how to make money but how to be an entrepreneur. Having to make business decisions without being told how to do it and when to do it. I’m constantly learning the key elements that make a successful real estate business.

I started my business no different than the next guy.  After several books, tapes, seminars and late night TV gurus, I was totally confused and had no idea how to invest in real estate the RIGHT WAY without using any of my money.  I didn't let my confusion stop me, so after fumbling around, looking in the wrong neighborhoods and writing contracts wrong, I found myself looking in the mirror saying, I’m struggling getting ahead and that I was now in the same position that most people are in. Get up, go to work, get off, and watch TV. Get up, go to work, get off, and watch TV. The same old routine of just surviving.
It wasn’t until I started seeking advice from seasoned investors, putting the pieces together bit by bit, to discover what made these guys really successful. How they avoided the pitfalls and actually made money. I discovered there are 10 Executable Steps from start to finish that when followed, will ensure a successful close.

Now, Armed with what I call my 10 Executable Steps, I decided to give my 2 weeks notice, and let me tell you – my mom freaked out! But I packed up and moved to Texas with my brother, so there was NO Plan B. I took this theory and put it to work. I continued to follow these 10 Executable Steps with every deal I did. By the end of my 2nd Year, I had 46 deals under my belt, and the rest is history. I’ve owned single-family homes up to commercial, I have owned and operated 14 real estate companies and have helped marketed over 70 Real Estate Investment companies across that nation.

Here are some key points that make up a successful real estate investor:

·      Find a mentor that can actually teach you this business.

·      Always invest in yourself, not a new sports car, new furniture or clothes. Keep educating yourself on real estate and how to market your business.

·      Get comfortable with being uncomfortable. Take risks and challenge yourself. Get out of the same old routine of get up, go to work, get off, and watch T.V.

·      Just do the opposite of most people and you’ll be ok. You can’t follow the majority if you want to become a successful real estate investor.

·      Be creative with your marketing. Marketing your business is by far the most important thing you should focus on if you want to become rich in real estate.

·      Never give up. Failure is never an option. Too many people never realize their full potential because they settle for less and quit just before their big break. Learn from your mistakes to make your business grow. Look at mistakes as just a learning lesson of what not to do.

·      Learn how to execute your business with a series of fundamental steps from A-Z. Learning executable steps will teach you how to put the pieces together in a specific order to ensure a successful close.

·      Believe in yourself because nobody else does. Any time we start something new, everyone voices their opinion about why you shouldn’t do it. I have heard this all my life but I used it to motivate me to prove them wrong. Picture yourself as though you’ve already arrived.

·      Write down your goals and study them ever day. You can’t tell me that your goals are in your head, write them down. Read them every morning and every night.

·      Develop a business plan on how you will reach those goals. Start off with short term goals and then the long term goals. Set priorities to keep you focused on the task at hand. Keep in mind that your goals can change, but write them down and how you will reach them.

·      TAKE ACTION! Nothing happens by accident. Things happen because people take action.

Most people are scared to start something new; it’s normal. I think you should have a little fear with anything you do. One of the fears I had when I got started was to think that if this didn’t work, I’d have to go back to a job. I took that fear and used it in a way that it motivated me to take action. Being a Real Estate Investor has been more than I’ve ever expected it to be. I’m so glad that I didn’t listen to those negative people and followed my dreams. I hope you will do the same!

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